Choosing a Niche for Your Blog

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Thinking about starting a new blog? Well, one of your first priorities should be choosing a niche. Many newcomers make the mistake of creating general blogs without a central theme or topic. Unless you have an established brand, however, this simply isn't going to work due to the excessive competition. So, how do you choose a niche for your blog? Passion/Interest Rather than choosing a blog subject based on its profitability, it's recommended that you choose a subject that actually interests you. You'll find it's easier to come up with topic ideas and write new posts if it involves somethin...

Why Your Blog Fails to Generate Revenue

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Among the most common reasons for starting a blog is to make money. Of course, this should come as little-to-no surprise given their near-limitless earnings potential. Michael Arrington's TechCrunch blog, for instance, is believed to generate nearly $15,000 per day in advertisements, while Huffington Post generates nearly $30,000 per day. If you're struggling to turn a profit with your blog, you should first check to make sure you aren't making one of the following mistakes. Ads are Poorly Blended Ads that "stand out" from a website or blog's native content are less likely to be clicked. Thi...

How to Interlink Your Blog Posts

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Looking to interlink your blog posts together? While WordPress has dozens of helpful features built directly into the framework, it does not have an interlinking feature. With that said, there's a quick and easy solution that will allow bloggers such as yourself to create internal links. What is Interlinking? Before we reveal the steps to interlinking blog posts, let's first discuss the definition of the term. "Interlinking" refers to the process of creating internal, not external, links to other posts and pages on a website. Links can generally be classified as either external, meaning t...

5 Ways to Promote Your Blog Posts

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You can spend countless hours crafting the perfect blog post, but it's not going to yield any tangible results in people actually see it. This is why you should promote your blog posts after publishing them. Doing so will drive traffic to them, increasing your posts' visibility and hopefully generating new conversions and/or sales in the process. Share on Social Media One of the first things you should do after publishing a new blog post is to share the link on your social media profiles. This includes Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and other networks for which you have accounts. Assuming you h...

5 Easy Ways to Boost Your Blog’s Traffic

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Traffic is a direct indication of a blog's success. If a blog receives little-to-no traffic, it's not going to gain any momentum for its respective niche. But how exactly do you encourage people to visit and engage themselves on your blog? Share Posts on Social Media One of the easiest ways to boost your blog's traffic is to share new posts on social media. Whenever you publish a new post, log into your Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ profiles and link back to it. Assuming you have a decent number of followers, this will give your new posts an initial burst of traffic. And in some cases it ma...

Tips for Creating a Viral Blog Post

When a blog post goes viral, it can drive hundreds or even thousands of unique visitors to your blog in a short period of time. The first few visitors who access the post will share it on their social media profiles, increasing its visibility while attracting additional visitors in the process -- and those visitors will now share it with their friends and family members; thus, the cycle repeats. But how exactly do you create a viral blog post? Publish Trending Topics A helpful tip to make your blog posts go viral is to discuss trending topics. If a large number of people are talking about th...

Effective Ways to Find Guest Blogging Opportunities

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In the wake of Google's infamous Panda and Penguin updates, webmasters have become increasingly hesitant to build backlinks to their sites, fearing it could have a negative impact on their search rankings. While certain tactics like paid links, automated programs and spam may certainly lower your site's ranking, guest blogging remains a safe and effective way to promote a website. But how exactly do you find guest blogging opportunities? What is Guest Blogging? If this is your first time hearing about guest blogging, let me explain how it works: basically, you write and submit an article or ...

5 Blogging Trends to Watch

Blogging is a dynamic industry that changes from year to year. What's popular and trending one year may be gone the next. This is why it's important for bloggers to familiarize themselves with the latest trends. 1) Video It should come as little-to-no surprise that video is gaining grounds in the blogging industry. Bloggers can diversify their content while creating a more attractive blog by adding videos to it. In the past, slow Internet speeds and sub-par computer hardware restricted users' ability to watch videos. But this isn't an issue now, as Internet users can enjoy seamless videos wi...

How to Promote Your Blog via Article Marketing

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Article marketing is one of the oldest forms of web promotion. It involves writing and submitting articles to various directories, in which you can include a link pointing back to your website or blog. This can be simple way to promote your blog. If this is your first time attempting article marketing, however, there are a few things you should know. How Article Marketing Works The basic principle behind article marketing is fairly simple and straightforward. There are hundreds of websites out there which allow users to write and submit articles on a topic of their choosing. Known as article...

How to Use WordPress More Effectively

WordPress Publishing Section
Do you use WordPress to blog? There's no denying the fact that WordPress is a powerful blogging platform. It features a massive directory of plugins and themes while preserving a clean and user-friendly interface. Backup Your Files Don't forget to backup your files. Many first-time WordPress users make the mistake of only downloading their core files via a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) program. But WordPress isn't static, and most of its data is stored in the form of a database. Therefore, you'll need to download both your core files, as well as the database associated with your site. If all ...