How to Promote Your Blog via Article Marketing

Man at computer writing article
Article marketing is one of the oldest forms of web promotion. It involves writing and submitting articles to various directories, in which you can include a link pointing back to your website or blog. This can be simple way to promote your blog. If this is your first time attempting article marketing, however, there are a few things you should know. How Article Marketing Works The basic principle behind article marketing is fairly simple and straightforward. There are hundreds of websites out there which allow users to write and submit articles on a topic of their choosing. Known as article...

Just Relax

Do you ever get in that situation where you just can't think about what to write? The harder you try, the fewer words end up on the page. Well, this happens to all writers. One of my favorite activities is fencing. I was a competitive fencer during high school and during some of my college years. Now that I am in my 40s, I still enjoy going. During the past six months I can say that I was in what I can only describe as a "funk". My form was terrible. I was losing easy bouts. And, to make matters worse I was getting injured regularly. I couldn't figure out what was causing this. Age? Stress?...

You don’t have to do it all… Outsourced Writing

One of the most important parts of blogging is consistency. If you drop off your efforts, your readers will notice. Over time, inconsistent blogging damages your credibility. Eventually, your readers will leave if they cannot depend on you. However, there is another way. Yes, only you know your message and only you have your brand of humor or personality. However, there are many great writers out there that are fully qualified to take on some of your writing chores. Say you like the "fun" posts, but you just cant get these out regularly. You can outsource the "base" or "foundation" artic...