Easy WordPress Optimizations Tips

wordpress watch on person's wrist
One of the reasons why so many bloggers and webmasters choose WordPress for their content management system (CMS) is its ease of use. Whether you are experienced in web design or not, you should have no problem launching a WordPress site. Using the platform's signature 5-minute installation, you can have a site up and running in minutes. But if you really want to take advantage of WordPress and everything it has to offer, you should optimize your site using the following techniques.   Limit Your Plugins There's nothing wrong with using plugins on a WordPress blog or website. In fact, ...

WordPress Posts vs Pages: What’s The Difference?

WordPress uses two different formats on which content is created and stored: posts and pages. Some users assume these formats are the same, with no distinguishable differences between the two. While they share some similarities in terms of appearance and function, however, posts and pages are two very different formats. Posts Posts are content-based entries that are displayed in chronological order (most recent appearing on top) on either the blog's home page by default. When you publish a new post, it will appear at the top of your home page, either in its entirety or as an excerpt (varies ...