Ways to Generate Revenue With Your Blog

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Looking to generate revenue with your blog? It's actually a lot easier than most people realize. Just check out some of the following ways to generate revenue through blogging. Sell Ad Space Assuming your blog receives a decent amount traffic, you can always sell out space to other webmasters and marketing companies. This basically involves creating empty ads on your website, with a placeholder image saying something along the lines of "Rent this space for $X dollars per month." Keep in mind, however, that selling ad space requires a bit of work. You must manage billing, ensure clients' crea...

How To Make Your Blog More Personal

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Creating a personal connection with your readers is critical to your blog's success. Readers want to feel like they are a part of a community to which they can relate. If your blog is nothing more than a series of generic articles, you will ultimately fail to establish this relationship. Thankfully, there are several simple yet effective techniques for making a blog more personal. Use a Real Name Are you still using the default "Admin" username that came with your blog's content management system (CMS)? While this may seem harmless enough, it doesn't have the same effect on readers as a real...