Why Your Blog Fails to Generate Revenue

blog tips, blog ideas clipboard
Among the most common reasons for starting a blog is to make money. Of course, this should come as little-to-no surprise given their near-limitless earnings potential. Michael Arrington's TechCrunch blog, for instance, is believed to generate nearly $15,000 per day in advertisements, while Huffington Post generates nearly $30,000 per day. If you're struggling to turn a profit with your blog, you should first check to make sure you aren't making one of the following mistakes. Ads are Poorly Blended Ads that "stand out" from a website or blog's native content are less likely to be clicked. Thi...

Ways to Generate Revenue With Your Blog

packs of money
Looking to generate revenue with your blog? It's actually a lot easier than most people realize. Just check out some of the following ways to generate revenue through blogging. Sell Ad Space Assuming your blog receives a decent amount traffic, you can always sell out space to other webmasters and marketing companies. This basically involves creating empty ads on your website, with a placeholder image saying something along the lines of "Rent this space for $X dollars per month." Keep in mind, however, that selling ad space requires a bit of work. You must manage billing, ensure clients' crea...

Can You Really Make Money Blogging?

The short answer to this question is yes, you can make money blogging. But it takes more than just throwing up a WordPress site and a couple of short articles to produce any sizable income. Blogging is highly competitive industry, with millions of active blogs currently online. If you want to succeed, you must differentiate yourself from the rest while providing something of real value to your readers. So, how can you make money blogging? Dozens of different opportunities exist, one of which is writing blog posts for high-traffic blogs in exchange for a flat per-post fee. It's not uncommon ...