Should I Blog on a Dedicated Domain or Subdomain?

Keyboard with question mark
This is a question many first-time -- and even some seasoned -- bloggers ask. Some believe dedicated domains are better suited for blogs, simply because they provide greater freedom and accessibility, whereas others prefer subdomains. If you can't decide between the two, keep reading for a break-down of the pros and cons associated with dedicated domains and subdomains for blogs. Dedicated Domains vs Subdomains: What's The Difference? Let's first go over the basics of dedicated and subdomains, as this a topic that confuses many people. A dedicated domain is exactly what it sounds like: a sta...

Who Owns Your Domain Name? Hopefully You Do

The domain name is arguably the single most important element of a website, which is why it's important to have complete ownership over it. Unfortunately, however, it's not uncommon for inexperienced bloggers and webmasters to allow their web designer to register the domain name for them. This may not cause any immediate problems, but it can lead to some severe heartache later down the road. Third-Party Domains The biggest problem associated with third-party domain registrations is the potential for losing control of the domain. Even if you are the rightful owner of the domain, the Internet ...