Tips for Creating a Viral Blog Post

When a blog post goes viral, it can drive hundreds or even thousands of unique visitors to your blog in a short period of time. The first few visitors who access the post will share it on their social media profiles, increasing its visibility while attracting additional visitors in the process -- and those visitors will now share it with their friends and family members; thus, the cycle repeats. But how exactly do you create a viral blog post? Publish Trending Topics A helpful tip to make your blog posts go viral is to discuss trending topics. If a large number of people are talking about th...

How To Make Your Blog Posts More Attractive

Still struggling to generate any sizable readership following for your blog? When you're busy researching and writing new topics, it's easy to overlook the visual element of your posts. But the human brain is hard-wired to respond to visual stimulation, so overlooking this key fact could significantly hurt your blogging efforts. So, how can you make your blog posts more attractive? Avoid The 'Wall of Text' One of the most common mistakes new bloggers make is creating a wall of text. As the name suggests, this is a style of writing characterized by nothing more than a wall of text (hence ...