7 Key Elements for an Effective Sales Page

online shop and cart icon, sales page tips
Still struggling to generate conversions with your sales page? Convincing a prospect to purchase your advertised product or service is difficult enough in person, but making a sale is even harder to accomplish when it's done online. Consumers today are more reluctant than ever to purchase products or services through a website from companies they don't know. Today we're going to reveal some helpful tips on how to create an effective sales page that generates conversions. Craft an Eye-Catching Headline According to CopyBlogger, approximately 80% of users will skim the headline of a sales p...

Tall-Tale Signs Your Blog Needs a New Design

When was the last time you changed your blog's design? Web design is a dynamic, ever-changing market that continues to evolve with each passing year. Just because a design practice is popular today doesn't necessarily mean that it will be tomorrow. As blogger, you must be aware of the nuances of web design, including which practices work and which ones don't. Your Blog Doesn't Pass Google's Mobile-Friendly Test One tall-tale sign that your blog needs a new design is failing Google's mobile-friendly test. Found at https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/mobile-friendly/, this tool lives up to...