5 Easy Ways To Uncover New Blog Topic Ideas

file000495818648Still struggling to come up with new topic ideas for your blog? We all know the importance of publishing fresh content on a regular basis. It encourages search engines and visitors to return to your site, which often boosts your search ranking. Of course, this is easier said than done, especially in some of the more narrow niches. If this sounds like a familiar problem, check out some of the following ways to identify new topics.

#1 – Search Forums

When you are stuck and can’t seem to think of any topics for your website, try searching through forums related to your niche. This is an excellent way to identify ‘hot’ topics that people are talking about. Depending on the particular forum you are using, you may be able to sort the threads by popularity. Don’t copy the exact thread title, but instead create a unique title based around the same subject for your website.

#2 – Create a FAQ

Creating a frequently asked questions (FAQ) page is another topic idea. Let’s face it, practically every niche could use a FAQ page. Think about what questions your visitors have asked and try to compile a list of the most common ones. An FAQ page should be an ongoing project that requires frequent updates, so don’t be afraid to go back later to make improvements to it.

#3 – Look at Similar Sites

There’s nothing wrong with viewing other websites or blogs in the same niche as yours for more ideas. You can view some of the top blogs in various categories at Technorati.com. Scanning through topics from other successful blogs may spark an idea for your own website. While you are at Technorati.com, go ahead and submit your website for a free backlink.

#4 – Create a Contest

Have you thought about launching a contest on your website? If your website revolves around pets, for instance, you could accept and post pictures of visitors’ pets. At the end of each month, you could then ship the winner a free t-shirt. For the low price of a t-shirt, you’ll have tons of new pet pictures to upload on your website.

#5 – Interviews

A fifth idea for generating new topics on your website is to perform an interview with someone in your niche. Simply email or call to request interviews from professionals or prolific individuals in your website’s niche. You can then translate the interview into text format to use on your site. Most people would be glad to do an interview in exchange for the publicity alone.

Have any other suggestions? Let us know in the comments section!

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5 Easy Ways To Uncover New Blog Topic Ideas
Let's face it, having to continually come up with fresh topics for your blog can be pretty challenging, but fresh content is required. Here are some ideas for how to find blog topics.

4 thoughts on “5 Easy Ways To Uncover New Blog Topic Ideas

  1. Jacob Steinberg says:

    I visit news sites for my niche and get topic ideas from news articles.

  2. Tricia Chang says:

    Great suggestions, I hadn’t thought of searching forums, thx!

  3. Marilyn Meyerson says:

    I use Google Trends to see what people are searching for and get ideas sometimes, not always

  4. P. Bhavsar says:

    Read your blog’s comments and see if you can find a new topic based on the comments.

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